Only 360 days in a Year

We all know that there are 365 days in a year except during leap year. Do you know how many days are there in a year for Nepal Telecom Company (NTC), a major tele company of Nepal?. It should consider 365 as normal but not. It only considers 360 days in a year. I didn't know this before till I find problem in my ADSL plan. I was paying the bill every month thinking that the monthly bill covers total days of perticular month but I got disconnected a day before the actual date. When I inquired about it, NTC told me that no matter how many days are there in a month, it calculates only 30 days. That means even you pay for a yearly bill (365 days), you don't get service for 5 days. What a system? Do you know, NTC disconnects you at midnight and counts the day of connection as one day in spite of time (You again loose 12 hours of connection as the office opens at 10:00 and re-connection may take 2 hours after payment). Is there any consumer rights organizations or medias to voice this issue?


samsanzv said…
yup man i was also thinking abt this issue since 1 yr bt what can i do at that tym?i didnt know what to do?and i didn't know how to raise the voice abt the issue?so please help me and other adsl users please help medias and make the authority think about this.

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