Want to be young or old?

Solar and Lunar calendar systems are used in different part of the world. In Nepal, we still use lunar calendar system. How these two systems differ is shown by following calculations.

Lets consider a child with date of birth 14 April 2007. According to the solar calendar system, this child will be exactly 3 months 3 days on 17 July 2007.

Now lets see it in lunar calendar system. The birthday of the child is 1 Baisakha 2064 (14 April 2007) and the child will be only 3 months on 17 July 2007 (1 Srawan 2064).

If the child is from Nepal or from two calendar systems, use lunar system to be young where as solar calendar to be old.

It seems that there are 3 days differences in three months time but the difference is only one day if counted the days. The difference in a year or many years is also by 1 day based on leap year.


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