Finally, a free call to Nepal

I got an email that Gizmo Call brings you a free call option including Nepal. It gives five to ten minutes of free call while dialing land lines in Kathmandu. If you find more information while trying, share with us.

When you click the link, it will ask you to download a plugin software, which takes less than minutes and you are ready for try call. You can signin for more minutes talk (5-10mins), if you need more minutes, buy.


Anonymous said…
This free call to Nepal is not working anymore. From a week before.
If you know any such new programs, please let us know.
Anonymous said…
It is not working anymore for Nepal. If you know other site for free call to Nepal, please post it in your blog.
Anonymous said…
Yes, there are still sites that give you free call to any part of the world including Nepal. Please refer to "" for detail.

Anonymous said…
everything is free here. visit the site below.
Anonymous said…
Cool article you got here. It would be great to read a bit more concerning this topic. The only thing it would also be great to see here is a few photos of some gadgets.
Katherine Karver
Phone jammer

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